English Yoga Classes


In your own rhythm


Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (short Ashtanga Yoga), as practised and taught in our Yoga Shala in Friedrichshain is open for all people regardless of age, experience or physical abilities. All levels from beginners to advanced practitioners are welcome.

Ashtanga Yoga is dynamic – transition from one to the next posture (Asana) is flowing.

You will learn the series of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system step by step in your own pace with individual adaptations. That way you establish your personal yoga program to practice wherever you are.

Internal practice aspects lie on breath (Ujjayi), visual focus (Drishti) and energetic and physical work (Bandha).


All our Ashtanga classes are taught in the Mysore method.

This special way of teaching is named after the South Indian city of Mysore where Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga originates from.

The one-to-one lessons in a group setting facilitate an individual learning process where there is the chance that „teacher“ and „student“ develop a fruitful relationship so the practice will grow gradually and well adapted to limitations and circumstances of every practitioner.

The framework for our lessons are the Ahstanga Yoga series that you learn at your own pace.
Individual instruction and „hands-on“ assistance belong to this method.

Our approach offers space for exploring and experimenting and may lead to more freedom and just being yourself.
You are welcome to our yoga school with its familiar atmosphere. We are looking forward to meeting you on the mat!

5 classes starter pass: 70 EUR

Registration required!

More information in English here.

For registration and question email us to info@ashtanga-yoga-friedrichshain.de or click here.

You find our class schedule here.